SUNSCAN offers a unique observational experience by allowing users to visualize the Sun's spectrum in full color, revealing it in a whole new light. With its integrated color sensor, the instrument displays the solar spectrum with exceptional precision. This capability lets users distinguish the Sun's natural spectral colors in high resolution, showcasing the vivid range from deep reds through greens to violets.
Beyond colors, SUNSCAN reveals thousands of absorption lines, each corresponding to specific elements in the Sun’s atmosphere that absorb certain wavelengths. These dark lines, known as Fraunhofer lines, represent a detailed chemical fingerprint of the Sun, allowing enthusiasts and scientists alike to explore solar composition and activity.
To activate the color mode on SUNSCAN and start viewing the Sun’s spectrum in full color, follow these steps:
Power on SUNSCAN Begin by turning on the SUNSCAN instrument using the power button.
Connect to SUNSCAN Wi-Fi Open the SUNSCAN mobile app and connect to the SUNSCAN Wi-Fi network on your mobile device.
Connect the Camera In the app, tap "Connect Camera" to establish a connection with the SUNSCAN camera.
Enable Color Mode Navigate to the "Camera" section in the app, where you’ll find a button labeled "Color." Tap this button to activate color mode. When the mode is activated, the button will turn green, indicating that you are now in full-color mode.
Once activated, the color mode enables SUNSCAN to display the solar spectrum in vibrant colors !